hello hello hello

and how are you today?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year, Happy New Ways..

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have had a relaxing break and have spent quality time with friends and family. I’ve had a good 12 days off, some days I had no idea what to do and it was just perfect.. my 2011 was very tiring and exhausting and looking back I think it was a year where I literally put myself last and everyone else first, not because it was asked of me, but because that’s how I am. It comes naturally with motherhood, with being a woman (I think), but also I am a Capricorn and born in the year of the rat.. both apparent perfectionists. Being a full time working mum is a challenge and finding that manageable balance between work and home and everything else keeps you constantly on your toes. This year I think I managed that pretty well, but I never gave myself any attention and I got so exhausted trying to fit in so much in one day.



  1. I aim to simplify my life - I’ve noticed through many blogs that this seems to be a common theme and I personally think technology is to blame. The iphone is tempting, the addiction is off putting!

  2. I will declutter my possessions and have less lying around

  3. Ask for help if I need time to myself

  4. Make an effort to catch up with girlfriends

  5. Participate in Pip’s Year of Good Things

  6. Remind myself that the challenge of being a working mum is oh so normal

  7. Have music in my life again

  8. Stop and smell the roses.. I was constantly in ‘heads down bum up’ mode last year

  9. Craft more and more and more and more

  10. Enjoy my blog, it’s my own space

  11. And just for fun.. I am determined to find myself the perfect green dress - details in the next post, perhaps you can help me?

Have a fantastic 2012 everyone x

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